12 March 2021
The next newsletter will be dated 26 March 2021
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 – GN 187 in GG 44246 of 5 March 2021 – Directions relating to biodiversity auctions published in GN 1064 in GG 43778 of 7 October 2020 amended and directions relating to the biodiversity sector for Alert Level 4 published in GN 537 in GG 43323 of 14 May 2020 and for Alert Level 3 published in GN 647 in GG 43409 of 5 June 2020 repealed
Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 – GN R193 in GG 44256 of 11 March 2021 – Declaration of a national state of disaster published in GN 313 in GG 43096 of 15 March 2020 extended to 15 April 2021
Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation 103 of 1994) – Proc 1 in GG 44253 of 10 March 2021 – Schedule 1 amended with effect from 1 April 2021
Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 – GNs 111 & 113 in GG 44257 of 12 March 2021 – Essential Services Committee – Notice of investigation on the possible variation of the designation made rendering certain nuclear services and certain services in private health (optometry) as essential and notice of oral representations
National Land Transport Act 5 of 2009 – Gen Notice 105 in GG 44247 of 8 March 2021 – North West Land Transport Regulations, 2020
Division of Revenue Act 4 of 2020 – GN 189 in GG 44249 of 10 March 2021 – Conditional allocations and explanatory memorandum
Standards Act 8 of 2008 – GN 110 in GG 44257 of 12 March 2021 – new standards
Standards Act 8 of 2008 – GN 109 in GG 44257 of 12 March 2021 – draft standards – for comment
Companies Act 71 of 2008 – GN 207 in GG 44257 of 12 March 2021 – Mandatory Submission of Annual Financial Statements using iXBRL by entities using Generally Recognized Accounting Principles (GRAP) as from 1 October 2021
Eastern Cape
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 – PN 32 in PG 4519 of 8 March 2021 – Third Edition Eastern Cape Environmental Implementation Plan
KwaZulu Natal
KwaZulu-Natal Elimination and Prevention of Re-emergence of Slums Amendment Bill, 2020 – PN 2 in PG 2256 of 5 March 2021 – memorandum on the objects of the Bill – for comment
Northern Cape
Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 – Gen Notice 21 in PG 2398 of 8 March 2021 – Provincial Spatial Development Framework, 2020 – replaces Provincial Spatial Development Framework, 2012
City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality v Nu-Way Housing Developments (Pty) Ltd (1139/2019) [2021] ZASCA 19 (12 March 2021)
“Summary: Townships – Less Formal Township Establishment Act 113 of 1991 – conditions on which land designated – electricity supply – condition that local authority shall determine ‘connection fee and conditions applicable’ to electricity connections when application for supply made – ‘conditions applicable’ include development capital charge in force at time application made for electricity supply.”
African Realty Trust (Pty) Ltd v Acting Director-General Department of Water and Sanitation (WT03/20/LMP) [2021] ZAWT 1 (9 March 2021)
“1. The Appellant company applied for a water use license for the construction of two storage dams, otherwise referred to as holding dams, given the specific purpose of the dams. The Appellant undertakes the business of Valencia citrus fruit farming on the Letaba Estate in Limpopo Province. This business has been operating for over 100 years. Its orchards are irrigated using water from the Letaba canal which draws water from the Letaba River. The canal is licensed to, and operated by the Letaba Water Users Association, of which the Appellant is a member. African Realty Trust has an existing total allocation of 16 357 988m3/a per year from the Letaba Water Users Association for abstraction of water from the canal traversing the site, for irrigation purposes.
2. Due to various climatic conditions and the water situation in the whole Great Letaba area, the canal has not been able to sustain irrigation activities of all users if they simultaneously abstract water from the canal. The result is that, at times, the Appellant has to draw water from the canal at night-time because during the morning and the day there is pressure on the canal. However, during the night the demand is reduced. Due to its age the canal is also shut down for maintenance for two weeks annually.
3. These constraints impact the Appellant’s agricultural activities, and to alleviate this problem the Appellant decided to construct two holding dams to draw water from the canal during the night and use it when the canal is closed on weekends or when there is increased demand on the canal. The proposed dam sites are located on the Remaining Extent of the farm Letaba Estates 525- LT near Tarentaal and, approximately 21 km south-east of Tzaneen, in the Limpopo Province. According to 2004 documents, the Great Letaba catchment with respect to which the application is lodged was recorded to be under severe stress with a deficit of around 26Mm3/a. A recent Hydrological Study indicated that the proposed dams will have negligible impacts. The proposed dams have a combined capacity of 762 000m3, which is well within the Appellant’s existing water use entitlement amount to 16 357 988m3.”
Juliana v. United States, No. 18-36082 (9th Cir. order Feb. 10, 2021; motion to stay mandate Feb. 17, 2021)
“On February 10, 2021, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied youth plaintiffs’ petition for rehearing en banc of the court’s January 2020 ruling that the plaintiffs lacked standing to pursue their constitutional claims against the United States and other federal defendants for infringing on the plaintiffs’ right to a life-sustaining climate system. A week later the plaintiffs filed a motion to stay the mandate pending the filing and disposition of a petition for writ of certiorari in the Supreme Court. The plaintiffs contended that their certiorari petition would present substantial questions meriting Supreme Court review regarding the rights of children, and that there was good cause to stay the mandate due to the irreparable harm that would result from dismissal of the case. The plaintiffs’ arguments included that the Biden-Harris administration should be allowed the opportunity to decide whether to engage in settlement negotiations. On March 1, the federal defendants filed their opposition to the motion to stay the mandate, arguing that the Supreme Court was unlikely to grant the petition, “much less reverse this Court’s judgment,” because the Ninth Circuit had applied settled precedent. The U.S. defendants also contended that the plaintiffs would not suffer irreparable harm, given that they would be able to obtain relief if the Supreme Court ruled in their favor. The defendants also noted that issuance of the mandate “is no impediment to settlement” since settlement remained possible so long as a case was pending, even if pending before the Supreme Court. On March 5, the plaintiffs withdrew their motion to stay “[b]ecause Defendants’ position is clear that the issuance of the mandate does not preclude settlement or Plaintiffs’ ability to seek future relief from the issuance of the mandate.” The Ninth Circuit issued the mandate the same day.” [March 2021 Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Update]
American Lung Association v. EPA, No. 19-1140 (D.C. Cir. Feb. 22, 2021)
“On February 22, 2021, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals granted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) motion for a partial stay of the issuance of the mandate in the lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s final rule repealing and replacing the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, which regulated greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. On January 19, the D.C. Circuit vacated both the repeal and replacement components of the final rule, finding that the rule was based on an erroneous reading of the Clean Air Act. In its February 12 motion for partial stay of the mandate, EPA indicated that it “strongly” believed that no Section 111(d) rule should go into effect until EPA conducted new rulemaking in response to the January 19 decision. In its February 22 order, the court withheld issuance of the mandate with respect to the repeal of the Clean Power Plan and directed issuance of the mandate “in the normal course” for the vacatur of the replacement portion of the rule as well as timing provisions in the implementing regulations. EPA was directed to file status reports at 90-day intervals.” [March 2021 Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Update]
San Francisco Baykeeper v. EPA, No. 20-17359 (9th Cir. Feb. 26, 2021)
“On February 26, 2021, EPA moved to voluntarily dismiss its appeal of a district court’s order that vacated a negative jurisdictional determination under the Clean Water Act for the Redwood City Salt Ponds along San Francisco Bay. The plaintiffs alleged that the negative jurisdictional determination would exacerbate the consequences of sea level rise and impair California’s ability to mitigate sea level rise impacts, though the district court’s decision did not address this issue, focusing instead on EPA’s determination that the salt ponds had been transformed into ‘fast land’ prior to enactment of the Clean Water Act. The district court remanded the matter to EPA for evaluation of factors including the nexus between the salt ponds and the Bay and the extent to which the salt ponds ‘significantly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Bay.’” [March 2021 Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Update]
Save the Colorado v. U.S. Department of the Interior, No. CV-19-08285 (D. Ariz. Feb. 4, 2021)
“The federal district court for the District of Arizona denied plaintiffs’ motion to complete the record in their challenge to the Glen Canyon Dam Long-Term Experimental Management Plan, a 20-year plan for releases from the dam that the plaintiffs alleged did not consider climate change impacts. The court found that the Department of the Interior properly excluded deliberative documents from the record. The court also rejected the plaintiffs’ contention that the Interior Department should have included articles on climate change impacts on future Colorado River basin water supplies that were referenced in two foundational studies of the Colorado River basin that were in the record. The court concluded that such underlying documents did not belong in the record and further found that the plaintiffs did not meet its burden of demonstrating that a Department of the Interior subordinate relied on the referenced materials.” [March 2021 Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Update]
Val Verde Civic Association v. County of Los Angeles, No. B302885 (Cal. Ct. App. Feb. 10, 2021)
“The California Court of Appeal affirmed the denial of a petition challenging the County of Los Angeles’s approval of a master plan revision for continued and expanded operations at the Chiquita Canyon Landfill. The court found that the petitioner had not argued in the Superior Court that the environmental impact report failed to quantify or analyze existing landfill emissions, and so had forfeited that argument. The appellate court also found that substantial evidence supported the methodologies used for data on criteria air pollutants and odors, as well as the methodologies used to determine landfill gas capture efficiency rates and to quantify greenhouse gas emissions, which relied on modeled data.” [March 2021 Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Update]
Center for Biological Diversity v. de la Vega, No. 3:21-cv-1182 (N.D. Cal., filed Feb. 18, 2021)
“Two organizations filed a lawsuit in the federal district court for the Northern District of California asserting that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had failed to comply with its non-discretionary obligation to issue updated stock assessment reports under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The plaintiffs alleged that despite the MMPA’s requirement that the stock assessments be updated every year or every three years, depending on a species’ vulnerability, the stock assessments for some species had not been updated for more than a decade even though significant new information—including, for example, the depletion of sea ice on which polar bears and walruses depend and the impacts on sea otters from the die-off of kelp stemming from climate change – had become available.” [March 2021 Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Update]
Petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Seeking to Redress Violations of the Rights of Children in Cité Soleil, Haiti (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights)
“On February 4, 2021, Haitian children petitioned the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to redress human rights violations stemming from waste disposal in their residential district. The petition lays out a factual background of toxic trash disposal from Port-Au-Prince in the residential district of Cité Soleil, which causes short- and long-term health harms most acutely affecting children. The petition includes a discussion of climate change’s exacerbation of the harms to children through environmental displacement and exacerbation of waterborne diseases. Petitioners allege violations of the American Convention’s Rights of the Child (Article 19), the Right to Dignity (Article 11), the Right to Live in a Healthy Environment (Articles 4, 26), and the Right to Judicial Protection (Article 25). The Commission is expected to first decide whether to assert jurisdiction.” [March 2021 Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Update]
Field Tracy-Lynn “A Just Energy Transition and Functional Federalism: The Case of South Africa” 2021 Transnational Environmental Law 1-25 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S2047102520000436
Call for Papers: South African Yearbook of International Law. The theme is “International law in the time of COVID-19”
The Covid-19 Pandemic that has gripped the world since early 2020 brought with it a myriad of social, economic, political and legal challenges and opportunities. Whilst largely analysed from a human rights perspective, the changes, challenges, and opportunities that flowed from the onset of the virus affected more sectors than just fundamental rights. Various aspects of international law were tested as the world attempted to respond to this new catastrophe. Some of the areas where new rules either had to be created, or where existing rules were found to be inapplicable to or insufficient to address the developing situation include the following:
Procurement laws
Aviation laws
Human rights (privacy, life, health, religion, expression etc)
Political rights (elections, assembly, association, expression etc)
Anti-corruption laws
Force majeure in international law
States of emergencies / states of disaster
The South African Yearbook of International Law invites authors to submit articles touching on the above over-arching theme; or on any of the sub-themes listed above. Papers are expected to have a South African angle. However, papers that have an African slant will also be considered. We also invite opinion pieces, short notes and letters to the editor etc. All submissions will be subject to a double blind peer review process.
Timeline: Articles will be received on a rolling basis. Length of articles: 8000 to 16 000 Words. Case notes not to exceed 5000 Words. Journal notes and book reviews not to exceed 3000 words. Style guide: SAYIL uses OSCOLA for articles published by it. Authors are reminded to comply with OSCOLA before submission.
Author guidelines
Submission portal
For any queries, ">email
Craig AA “Resilience Justice Project Researchers Resilience Justice and Community-Based Green and Blue Infrastructure” 2021 45 William & Mary Environmental Law & Policy Review (forthcoming 2021)
Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and UNC’s Center on Climate, Energy, Environment, and Economics (CE3) “Decarbonization policies for North Carolina” (Report March 2021)
Franks DM et al “Tailings facility disclosures reveal stability risks” 2021 11 Sci Rep 5353 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-84897-0 ‘
Villavicencio Calzadilla P “Litigating Climate Change in Bolivian National Courts”, in Sindico F, Mbengue M (eds) Comparative Climate Change Litigation: Beyond the Usual Suspects (Springer Nature Switzerland 2021 259-276
Marsh Kate, McKee Neely and Welch Maris “Opposition to Renewable Energy Facilities in the United States” (Sabin Centre for Climate Change Report February 2021
Francis A “Migrants Can Make International Law” 2021 Harvard Environmental Law Review February 2021
Francis A “Climate Financing Options: An Assessment for Columbia World Project–Ghana Household Energy” (December 2020)
Blogs, Discussions, Websites, Videos, ETC
South Africa
Biodiversity, protected areas, culture
Daily Maverick: Bloom K “Dead Matter (Part One): How political corruption decimated Mpumalanga’s biodiversity” 9 March 2021
Daily Maverick: Bloom K “Dead Matter (Part Two): The lion, the conservationist and South Africa’s future deputy president” 11 March 2021
Mail & Guardian: Bega S “South Africa’s freshwater fish face extinction” 12 March 20(re21
TimesLive: Nombembe P “How conservationists’ wing tags are actually endangering the Cape vulture” 13 March 2021
The Conversation: Gess RW “Fossil lamprey larvae from South Africa overturn assumptions about vertebrate origins” 10 March 2021
Climate change and energy
Bizcommunity: “How the agri sector can reap the rewards of renewable energy solutions” 11 March 2021
Bizcommunity: Ball M and Buccini G “Energy storage: A key piece of the puzzle in South Africa’s energy transition” 11 March 2021
Mail & Guardian: Gilili C “South Africa to get another commission, this one to tackle the climate crisis” 8 March 2021
Bizcommunity: Kilner K and Niven G “Incentivising renewable energy development: moving one step closer, or two steps back?” 9 March 2021
News24: Gerber J “Doubt about 12% of government’s, including Eskom’s, ability to continue as a going concern” 13 January 2021
Engineering News: “Opinion: Addressing the misconceptions around Eskom’s proposed electricity tariff changes” 12 March 2021
Local government
Timeslive: Mailovich C “Is Joburg a sinking city?” 11 March 2021
Bizcommunity: Adams S “Harnessing the power of community for the common good” 10 March 2021
allAfrica: “South Africa: Water and Sanitation to Implement Measures Against City of Tshwane” 12 March 2021
NWU Online Art Exhibition: “We Will Rise Again | Nditsheni Managa” on Informal Trading
GroundWork: “On International Waste Pickers’ Day, Report Shows that Cities that Partner with Informal Recyclers Create Good Jobs, Help the Climate, and Save Money” 1 March 2021 [Legalbrief Environmental 9 March 2021]
Mail & Guardian: Ledwaba L “State’s failure to act leaves Mpumalanga community at land grabbers’ mercy” 7 March 2021
Mail & Guardian: “Mining Indaba’s highly anticipated Investment Battlefield returns next week” 8 March 2021
Bizcommunity: “4 hindrances to increasing mining’s GDP contribution in 2021” 8 March 2021
allAfrica: “South Africa: Enough Is Enough – Communities in Newcastle Protest Ikwezi Coal Mine” 11 March 2021
Mining Weekly: Creamer M “Just clearing exploration backlog would be huge leap forward – Miller” 12 March 2021
Mining Weekly: Iannucci E “Exploration success relies on technology and collaboration – BHP” 12 March 2021
Mining Weekly: James N “Climate change, ESG obligations will make water issues more challenging for miners” 12 March 2021
Mining Weekly: Bhowan T “Coal mine extension on the horizon” 12 March 2021
Mining Weekly: “Opportunities for mines to decarbonise and South Africa’s coal exports to China make headlines” 12 March 2021
Extractives Baraza: Burger S “Organisation to Support at-risk, Entrepreneurial Nature of Exploration, Development” 10 March 2021
Water, waste, oceans and chemicals
Youtube: Awuah A and Mbona M “Freshwater Biodiversity Programme and Wetland Map 6 Update” (26 February 2020) posted 26 February 2021
Mail & Guardian: Smit S “Desalination will relieve arid SA, but it’s too expensive” 10 March 2021
Engineering News: Silaule Y “De Lille unveils three bridges built as part of Strategic Integrated Project programme” 11 March 2021
Gauteng Wetland Forum Presentations YouTube: Ferai Tererai “Wetlands and Water – Inseparable and vital for life” [IAIAsa News 2021/2022 10 March 2021]
Gauteng Wetland Forum Presentations YouTube: Adwoa Awuah “SANBI Update on the Freshwater Biodiversity Programme and Wetland Map 6” [IAIAsa News 2021/2022 10 March 2021]
Nature: “‘Does anyone have any of these?’: Lab-supply shortages strike amid global pandemic” 9 March 2021
Mail & Guardian: Mndebele M “ArcelorMittal is ‘slowly becoming a burial site’” 9 March 2021
Bizcommunity: “Why CSI isn’t where corporates should be skimping when it comes to budget cuts” 8 March 2021
allAfrica: Nachilongo H “Tanzania: Serengeti Named Best National Park in the World By Trip Advisor” 4 March 2021
allAfrica: Emwamu SP “Uganda: How Gang Fishing Has Changed Lives in Rural Teso Communities” 12 March 2021
Bizcommunity: “Zimbabwe: Farmers Find Ways to Save Crops From Elephants” 12 March 2021
allAfrica: Iikela S “Namibia: Government Not Obliged to Compensate Farmers – Shifeta” 11 March 2021
The Independent: Greene G “‘A long, dark year’: Twelve months into the Covid conservation crisis in Africa” 9 March 2021
BBC: McGrath M “Climate change: ‘Forever plant’ seagrass faces uncertain future” 13 March 2021
BBC: “Endangered black rhino heads to Africa from Yorkshire” 12 March 2021
Climate Change and Energy
Bizcommunity: “Kenya dairy farmers double income, milk yields with climate-smart fodder grasses” 10 March 2021
Bizcommunity: “Nuclear solution for Africa’s energy challenges” 9 March 2021
Extractives Baraza: Qekeleshe S “Ghana to Become First LNG Importer in Sub-Saharan Africa” 10 March 2021
Local government
allAfrica: Oguntola T and Akpan S “Nigeria Land, Water Polluted Due to Lack of Dump Site – NIREC” 11 March 2021
allAfrica: “Namibia: Walvis Spends Millions On Sewer Blockages” 12 March 2021
allAfrica: “Zimbabwe: Just in – Water Supply Improves in Masvingo City” 12 March 2021
allAfrica: “Kenya: Untold Suffering for Thousands of Lamu Villagers Over Acute Water Shortage” 12 March 2021
ICLEI: “Rwanda upgrades healthcare centres as part of green economic recovery”
ICLEI: “Dortmund’s citizen-centered approach” 22 February 2021
ICLEI: “Colombian cities kick off climate planning in 2021 with updated NDC in mind” 10 March 2021
ICLEI: “Nature based solutions” Horison 20-20
allAfrica: Musheke T “Namibia: Locals to Own 15 Percent Stake in New Mines” 9 March 2021
Mail & Guardian: Bega S “Stop oil and gas drilling in Namibia’s Kavango Basin immediately — Anglican Church” 8 March 2021
allAfrica: Addeh E “Nigeria: Govt Grants Provisional Award Tenders for 57 Marginal Oilfields” 11 March 2021
Mining Weekly: “Premier granted exclusive prospecting order for Zimbabwe project” 12 March 2021
Mining Weekly: “Chinese firm plans iron-ore mine, steel plant in Zimbabwe” 12 March 2021
Mining Weekly: “Avima demands Congo Republic reinstate iron-ore licence” 11 March 2021
Extractives Baraza: “Mining Ministry Should Back Responsible Miners” 10 March 2021
Water, sanitation, oceans, and chemicals
allAfrica: “Seychelles Exploring Installation of Man-Made Reefs to Protect From Coastal Erosion” 12 March 2021
allAfrica: Owini TJ “Uganda: Isimba Dam Contractor Fails to Fix Critical Defects 2 Years Later” 11 March 2021
allAfrica: Wafula C and Odiwuor G “Kenya: Boat Made of Plastics On a Mission to Save Lake Victoria” 10 March 2021
allAfrica: “Africa: Humanity’s Penchant to Waste Food Is Trashing the Planet” 11 March 2021
Mining Weekly: “Czech chemicals company expanding into Africa, the Americas” 11 March 2021
Bizcommunity: Fernandes Perreira Essoh AS “How Cabo Verde indigenous beans could boost food security” 11 March 2021
IOL: Mankewu B “Funding models essential to infrastructure rollout” 13 March 2021
allAfrica: Ongaji P “Kenya: Villages on Edge as Widening Gorges Cut Through Farms” 12 March 2021
allAfrica: “Africa: Are We On Track for a Green Recovery? Not Yet” 12 March 2021
The Conversation: Njeru TN “Why maize is causing trade tensions between Kenya and its neighbours” 11 March 2021
The Conversation: Mabaya E, Nsofor IM and Evanega S “Battling misinformation wars in Africa: applying lessons from GMOs to COVID-19” 8 March 2021
Engineering News: “Food systems ‘integral’ to Covid-19 recovery, says AfDB” 12 March 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “Africa Kicks Off Yearly Regional Reviews of SDG Progress” 8 March 2021
Biodiversity, protected areas, and culture
Nature: “Growing support for valuing ecosystems will help conserve the planet” 10 March 2021
Bizcommunity: “Scaling up bioenergy production could substantially raise water stress – new study” 12 March 2021
IISD ENB: Informal Session for the 3rd Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-3) | 8–14 March 2021 | Online Convention on Biological Diversity – CBD
Lexology: “Biodiversity: Brazil deposits instrument of ratification at the UN and Nagoya Protocol will enter into force in Brazil soon” 9 March 2021
Lexology: “The Nagoya Protocol enters into force in Brazil” 10 March 2021
Lexology: “Farming and ecosystem services – not there yet?” 9 March 2021
Lexology: “Migratory Bird Treaty Act Liability Rule Looks to Be Short-Lived” 9 March 2021
Lexology: “Breaking down biodiversity banking: part one” [Australia] 8 March 2021
Climate change and energy
Law360: “Climate Youths Pivot Strategy After 9th Circ. Setback” 9 March 2021
New Scientist: Charles K “Colorado’s legal cannabis farms emit more carbon than its coal mines” 8 March 2021
The Jurist: Beres LR “Controlling Nuclear Risks: A Basic Obligation of U.S, Law and Policy” 10 March 2021
The Independent: Sullivan R “What effect will China’s 14th five-year plan have on climate change?” 13 March 2021
The Independent: Batcelor T “Narwhal tusks reveal impact of climate change on Arctic sea ice” 12 March 2021
Reuters: Murakami S and Sheldrick A “Climbing without a map: Japan’s nuclear clean-up has no end in sight” 12 March 2021
IISD ENB: 7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum | 8–12 March 2021 | Online
Lexology: “Draft Regulations Published Governing the Federal Greenhouse Gas Offset System” 10 March 2021 – read also here
Lexology: “Attention directors: investors call for climate change management and disclosure” 11 March 2021
Lexology: “Malaysia to Focus on Climate-related Risks in the Financial Sector in 2021” 11 March 2021
Lexology: “Climate Risk Disclosures Face Increased Scrutiny and Potential Change to Reporting Requirements” [USA] 9 March 2021
Lexology: “Spotlight: climate change law, regulation and policy in Italy” 27 February 2020
Lexology: “Greening pains: How are we going to finance sustainable aviation fuel?” 10 March 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “NDC Synthesis Report Shows Increased Focus on Adaptation, SDG Linkages” 10 March 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “Global Champions, UN Call for Accelerating Action to Achieve Clean Energy For All” 10 March 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “Working Group Proposes Process to Address Chemical Issues of Concern” 10 March 2020
Nature: “Nuclear technology’s role in the world’s energy supply is shrinking” 9 March 2021
Lexology: “Canada starting to move on climate-related financial system risk” 9 March 2021
The Hill: Webb R and Panfil M “Without planning, climate change will bring more Texas-style blackouts” 23 February 2021
Climate Law Blog: Turner A “When State Preemption of Local Climate Laws Undermines Equity” 5 March 2021
Environmental enforcement
Lexology: “Nitrogen Targeted Standards’ EIA Available for Comment” 10 March 2021
Lexology: “In review: environmental protection regulations in Brazil” 27 February 2020
Lexology: “SCOTUS rules the federal government does not need to disclose draft documents under FOIA” 5 March 2021
Lexology: “Environmental law after Brexit” 9 March 2021
Lexology: “Supreme Court clarifies scope of the deliberative process privilege” [USA] 5 March 2021
Lexology: “This Week in Government Enforcement” [USA] 8 March 2021
Lexology: “Environmental Justice in Georgia: Proposal of the Georgia Environmental Justice Act of 2021 (Proposed HB 432)” 8 March 2021
Lexology: “Nitrogen crisis in Flanders? A recent judgment may have serious consequences” [Belgium] 8 March 2021
Lexology: “Okpabi v. Shell: The Future of Claims Against Parent Companies for Actions of Their Subsidiaries” 8 March 2021
Lexology: “Final report of the EPBC Act Review recommends fundamental reform to ensure future sustainability” [Australia] 8 March 2021
Lexology: “Queensland Planning and Environment Court allows appeal on the basis of the Development Tribunal’s failure to consider Part E of the State Planning Policy 2017” [Australia] 22 February 2021
Lexology: “Planning and Environment Court of Queensland determines orders to secure compliance with the Planning Act 2016 for a three-storey, seventeen-bedroom, dwelling house unlawfully used as an ‘accommodation building’” 22 February 2021
Lexology: “Mass. Appeals Court Imports Chapter 40A Presumption of Standing into Boston Zoning Enabling Act” [USA] 5 March 2021
Local government
Reuters: Kyvrikosaios D “Athens tackles heat and pollution with pocket-sized parks” 11 March 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “Australia SDGs Forum Showing How to Partner with Youth, Cities and Towns” 10 March 2021
Nature: “How to limit the ecological costs of urbanization in China” 10 March 2021
Nature: “Biodiversity’s importance is growing in China’s urban agenda” 10 March 2021
ICLEI: Yunus A “Betting on Multilevel Climate Action for COP26 in Glasgow” 10 March 2021
ICLEI: “The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration”
ICLEI: “Cities and regions called to sign Edinburgh Declaration and act for nature”
ICLEI: “How two cities in Metro Manila are accelerating energy efficiency” 9 March 2021
The Jurist: Zubizarreta T “Explainer: Why are so many countries racing to lay claim to the Arctic?” 12 March 2021
Mining Weekly: Arnoldi M “ICMM confident of broad-based uptake of tailings standard” 12 March 2021
Mining Weekly: “Agrimin’s unit signs farm-in deal with Rio Tinto for copper-gold licenses in WA” 12 March 2021
Mining Weekly: “Argonaut to drill for copper against Aboriginal wishes in South Australia” 12 March 2021
Lexology: “Overview and outlook: mining law in China” 10 November 2020
Lexology: “Overview and outlook: mining law in Canada” 10 November 2020
Lexology: “FERC Revisits Natural Gas Certificate Policy Statement to Elevate Climate Change, Environmental Justice Considerations” 8 March 2021
Extractives Baraza: Manekar S “Shareholders ask Rio Tinto to Disclose Climate Targets, Review Lobby Associations” 10 March 2021
Sustainable Minerals Institute Podcast: The Mineral Governance Podcast. Episode 2: Preventing Tailings Facility Failures (July 2020)
Water, oceans, waste, and chemicals
The Independent: Cockburn H “Disposable plastic face masks pose huge environmental risks, with 3 million used a minute, researchers warn” 12 March 2021
Lexology: “When is a car ‘waste’?” [EU/Poland] 24 February 2021
Lexology: “Trump Navigable Waters Protection Rule Revived in Colorado by the Tenth Circuit” 9 March 2021
Thomas Reuters Foundation: Nagaraj A “Preserve, revive, restore: Indian ponds spring back to life” 8 March 2021
Lexology: “Bulgaria: Amendments to waste management legislation lead to new labelling requirements for prepacked goods” 3 March 2021
New York Times: Kolbert E “How Much of Your Stuff Belongs to Big Tech?” 8 March 2021
Space.com: Wall M “The Perseverance rover has recorded the 1st laser sound on Mars. It’s a ‘snap!’ not a ‘pew!’” 10 March 2021
Lexology: “Managing E&S risks in project financings” 9 March 2021
Lexology: “Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR): What to Expect” 10 March 2021
Lexology: “Brexit: An Overview of Legal and Regulatory Implications” 9 March 2021
Lexology: “UK Government consultation on the environmental objectives for regulating spaceflight activities under the Space Industry Act 2018” 10 March 2021
Lexology: “Anti-greenwashing rules finally go live” [UK] 10 March 2021
Thomas Reuters Foundation: Dea S “Opinion: Why are tribal women in India still robbed of their land rights?” 8 March 2021
Thomas Reuters Foundation: Bacchi U “For these ex-developers, data is key to climate-friendly farming” 5 March 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “Trade and Environment Structured Discussions Among WTO Member Group Get Underway” 10 March 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “WTO Members Discuss Proposals Under Triennial Review of Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement” 10 March 2021
Lexology: “”Shifting the Trillions” – Recommendations for the sustainable transformation of the German economy” 26 February 2021
Lexology: “Public rights of way and access: Environmental Land Management” [UK] 8 March 2021
Lexology: Green Bonds: Standard Deviation” 5 March 2021
Conferences, Workshops, Study Opportunities
ELA Screening Club Event: The Adonisi judgment and issues of spatial apartheid surrounding the judgment
Date: 25 March 2021
More information
IMBEWU’s Environmental Law Update Workshop
Online course: To book, email or call us on 011 214 0660
For more information about the course consult the website.
CBSS Training Courses in Water Governance scheduled for 2021
- 17 – 19 August 2021, in Pretoria
- Refresher (for those who attended previous courses): 19 August 2021
- Early Bird discount applicable until 6 July 2021
- Registration closes 20 July 2021
- Only TWO (2) seats still available
- 7 – 9 September 2021, near Stellenbosch
- Refresher (for those who attended previous courses): 9 September 2021
- Early bird payment before 20 July 2021
- Registration closes 3 August 2021
- Nine (9) seats still available
- Mpumalanga, KZN and Eastern Cape: date and venue to be confirmed, depending on interest
You can register here
NWU: Unit for Continuing Education Short Courses
- CEM-02.1.3 Environmental law – Integrated Waste Management: 7 – 9 April 2021
- CEM-05.1.1 Environmental Impact Assessment: 10 – 14 May 2021
- CEM-02.1.1 Environmental law: 24 – 28 May 2021
- CEM-05.3.1 Environmental Risk Assessment: 7 – 11 June 2021
- CEM-03.1.1 Environmental Management Systems: 5 – 9 July 2021
Contact Rosy Moloto: 018 299 2725 / Nonzuzu Seleka: 018 299 1470 for more information
ASSAf: Science for Society Week
Date: 15-19 March 2021
More information and registration
Sustainability Summit
Dates: 21 – 23 September 2021
More information
Gauteng: Provincial Climate Change Forum
Date: 25 March 2020
Time: 10h00 – 14h00
Venue: Virtual (MS Teams)
Contact: Gerson Nethavhani Environmental Policy, Planning and Coordination: Climate Change – Tel: 011 240 3196 / 066 488 1706 / email / website
IUNAEL Virtual Colloquium 2021
Date: 28 June – 2 July, 2021
Call for Abstracts for the Colloquium (deadline April 15, 2021)
Submission of Abstracts
Accepted abstracts for the (postponed) IUCN AEL 2020 in Groningen will be rolled over to this year’s online IUCN AEL Colloquium in Groningen. Abstracts and/or papers must be written in English, complete with title, author(s)’s name(s), and institutional affiliation. Abstracts (300 words, maximum) should contain the aim of the paper, main points and a brief conclusion. Abstracts should not contain tables, graphs, drawings, etc. Abstracts should be attached to an email to – the subject of the email should be “Abstract – 2021 IUCN AEL”. For further information see: www.iucnael2021groningen.nl
Environmental Law Center of the Faculty of Law, University of Cologne, Germany: 1st virtual African Environmental Law Conference: Call for Abstracts
Date: 28 May 2021
The Environmental Law Center (ELC) in the faculty of law of the University of Cologne invites the submission of abstracts for the 1st African Environmental Law Conference with the theme “Environmental Justice Systems in Africa: Exploring Cultural and Economic Factors”. The conference will hold virtually on 28th May 2021 and will connect African environmental law teachers and researchers from universities within and outside Africa. Submissions are especially encouraged to discuss cases where Africans decide to opt for justice in western countries in seeking remediation and compensation for damages caused by activities of multinational companies, it points to a problem to which adequate attention has not yet been beyond what can be called academic complaints. In these situations, what factors are contributing to affected communities and groups of persons seeking Justice outside their Jurisdiction? What lessons can be learned from the systems that exist and are active in Africa and outside Africa? Conference papers will be selected to reflect a comparative reach of different African countries and published as a book under the direction of the ELC.
Instructions for the Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts and papers must be written in English, complete with title, author(s)’s name(s), and institutional affiliation. Abstracts should contain the aim of the paper, main points, and a brief conclusion (300 words, maximum). Abstracts should not contain tables, graphs, drawings, etc. Abstracts should be addressed to Dr. Dennis Agelebe, ELC, and sent to
The subject of the email should be “Abstract – 2021 AELC”. Abstracts should be submitted by the 1st of April 2021.
SWS March webinar: Urban wetland initiatives – Increasing resiliency of New York
Date: 18 March 2021
Time: 1:00 pm ET
More information and to register.
The 2021 Institute for Global Understanding Biennial Symposium Human Rights and the Environment
Date: 25–27 March 2021
Symposium Webpage / Symposium Program / Registration
Muller J “Gauteng’s crumbling inheritance” BusinessLive 11 March 2021
Ngqakamba S “65 suspected abalone poachers arrested in Cape Town” News24 13 March 2021
“SA trout pulled from invasive species list amid fly-fishing outrage” News24 12 March 2021
“Consultation on the proclamation of land in the western and eastern cape as part of the cape floral region protected areas” DEFF Website 9 March 2021
Regulations: Mpumalanga, Western Cape not Tops compliant – Creecy
“Mpumalanga and the Western Cape are not complying with Threatened and Protected Species (Tops) regulations, said Barbara Creecy, the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. According to a Mail & Guardian Online report, this emerged in response to parliamentary questions posed by the IFP’s Narend Singh. He had asked Creecy whether, ‘given that certain provinces are allegedly not complying with Tops regulations’, had her department conducted an audit to determine which provinces are noncompliant and why this was the case. He also wanted to know the details of the progress in standardising all environmental legislation and regulations, including bringing all provinces in line with Tops regulations. In her reply, Creecy said the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency had indicated serious capacity problems that had affected its ability to implement the regulations. In the Western Cape, she said, CapeNature considered the Tops regulations’ implementation as an ‘unfunded mandate’, given that additional funds are not allocated to CapeNature for the implementation function. After an audit in 2016, the department had amended the Tops regulations and lists. The revised regulations and lists, Creecy said, still ensured the conservation of species were not compromised.” Full report on the Mail & Guardian Online site [Legalbrief Environmental 9 March 2021]
Environmental Enforcement
Legislation: Input sought on Sectional Title, Agricultural Agents Bills
“The National Assembly’s Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development Committee has called for written submissions on the 2020 Sectional Titles Amendment Bill and Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Bill. Once in force, among other things the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill is expected to further ‘protect’ the lessees of properties in ‘sectional-arrangement buildings’ – at least, according to a media statement on the Cabinet meeting at which it was approved for tabling in Parliament. The Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Bill seeks to strengthen existing administrative and governance provisions; and to ensure that only fresh produce, export and livestock agents holding certain certificates are eligible for appointment as members of the Agricultural Produce Agents Council.” Read full report in Legalbrief Policy Watch 10 March 2021
Climate Change and Energy
“New state energy company set to launch on 1 April” Bizcommunity 8 March 2021
Dayimani M “Businessman gets 12 years in prison for stealing electricity from Eskom since 2018” News24 11 March 2021
Phakathi B “Government cannot justify overstaffed Eskom, Mabuza says” BusinessLive 11 March 2021
“Women in renewable energy mentorship programme launches” Bizcommunity 12 March 2021
“Thakadu’s $20m nickel sulphate refinery starts production” Bizcommunity 10 March 2021
Creamer T “New report highlights decade of falling electricity production in South Africa” Mining Weekly 11 March 2021
Slater D “Load-shedding a major obstacle for small businesses” Engineering News 12 March 2021
Slater D “Bulk dough manufacturer commissions solar plant to lower costs, drive sustainability” Engineering News 12 March 2021
“Creecy proclaims three more REDZ” Engineering News 12 March 2021 – see also DEFF Website
Local government
Damba Hendrik N “Where will the children play? Masiphumelele youths disrupt housing project” GroundUp 11 March 2021
Charles M “Western Cape High Court to rule on Tafelberg case in second quarter of the year” News24 13 March 2021
Kalipa S “Khayelitsha drains left overflowing as City staff feel ’unsafe’” IOL 13 March 2021
“Treasury to block R384m funding for Alfred Nzo Municipality due to poor performance” Engineering News 12 March 2021
“Municipalities want another slice of the pie, this time from IPPs” Moneyweb 10 March 2021
Nano N “Court saves mom from sewage hell” Dispatch Reader 9 March 2021
Local government: Municipalities breaking financial planning law
“About 40% of SA’s municipalities adopted unfunded budgets for 2020/2021, meaning that their expenditure was expected to exceed their projected revenue, says a BusinessLIVE report. Finance Minister Tito Mboweni said in reply to a parliamentary question this week that 106 of SA’s 257 municipalities adopted unfunded budgets for 2020/2021. Adopting unfunded budgets is a violation of the Municipal Finance Management Act, which stipulates municipalities base their budgets on a reasonable estimate of expected revenue. Often, however, municipalities over-estimate their revenue, resulting ultimately in a financial crisis or their realistically anticipated revenue is insufficient to meet planned spending notes the report. It says Mboweni’s comments came ahead of a briefing by the Finance and Fiscal Commission (FFC) to Parliament’s Standing Committee on Appropriations on the 2020/2021 Budget’s division of revenue between national, provincial and local government. During the briefing, the FFC programme manager of the local government unit, Mkhululi Ncube, noted that many municipalities would be left with higher debt as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic ‘as revenue collections fall far below the norm’. Municipal customers affected by the lockdown have been unable to pay for services. As a result there will be a wide gap between municipal revenue and expenditure as is the case with unfunded budgets. Ncube noted that the ‘Covid-19 pandemic has threatened the viability of many municipalities and compounded their deep-seated financial, fiscal, governance and service delivery challenges’. Replying to a question by DA MP Dennis Ryder, Mboweni noted that the provincial breakdown of municipalities with unfunded budgets were as follows: Eastern Cape (9), Free State (18), Gauteng (7), KwaZulu-Natal (19), Limpopo (6), Mpumalanga (8), Northern Cape (19), North West (17) and Western Cape (3).” Full BusinessLIVE report (subscription needed) Legalbrief 10 March 2021
Mafata M “MEC opens up the way for mining in protected Mpumalanga grasslands” GroundUp 10 March 2021
“Kangra coal mine recommences operations” Bizcommunity 11 March 2021
Burger S “SA slips to sixtieth on Fraser Institute index” Mining Weekly 12 March 2021
Water, waste, oceans and chemicals
Odendaal N “Four strategic water projects ‘ready for investment’” Engineering News 12 March 2021
Arnoldi M “DWS lays out plan to minimise Vaal river pollution” Engineering News 12 March 2021
Zuzile M “Amatola Water Board fires supply chain boss for ‘gross misconduct’” TimesLive 8 March 2021
“R4bn development planned to upgrade Isimangaliso” News24 13 March 2021
Waste: Eco Invader Solutions invents new form of bioplastic
“A biotechnology company in Johannesburg, Eco Invader Solutions, has found a way to help deal with plastic pollution by inventing a bioplastic developed from sawdust and nanotechnology. A Mail & Guardian Online report notes that, the Dissolv Plastic products, yet to be commercialised, are expected to take between three days to a month to biodegrade in water. It is likely to take up to 61 days to break down on land and faster in an industrial composting facility. Tshepo Mangoele, the owner of Eco Invader Solutions and a chemical engineer, says the bioplastic is designed to dissolve in water within 36 to 72 hours, depending on the product – straws, cutlery or packaging. ‘We take sawdust to extract the glue that holds it together, called lignin, as tiny particles on a nanoscale. We also take the fibres from the sawdust as tiny particles, and we mix this with starch blends from cassava to produce a bioplastic,’ said Mangoele.” Mail & Guardian Online report Legalbrief Environmental 9 March 2021
Burger S “Motsepe Foundation’s agricultural development project working towards sustainable land reform” Engineering News 12 March 2021
“New Development Bank urged to be more transparent about project finance” CER 10 March 2021
Biodiversity, protected areas, animal rights, and culture
IISD ENB: “Informal Session for the 3rd Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-3) | 8–14 March 2021 | Online Convention on Biological Diversity – CBD
Hookey A “Australia state announces commission to record effects of injustices against Aboriginal people” The Jurist 10 March 2021
Hunt E “Hemiandrus jacinda: insect named after New Zealand prime minister” The Guardian 12 March 2021
Collyns D “The fight for the Galápagos: race to expand reserve as fishing fleets circle” The Guardian 12 March 2021
Muiruri P “’Ecological island’: as Maasai herding lands shrink, so does space for Kenya’s elephants” The Guardian 11 March 2021
“Rarest subspecies of wolf in North America sees population almost double in five years” The Guardian 13 March 2021
“Philadelphia calls for ‘lights out’ after skyscrapers cause hundreds of bird deaths” The Guardian 13 March 2021
Ferrier T “Bumper cloud of megabats wreaks havoc on Adelaide’s power network” The Guardian 11 March 2021
Ferrier T “Scientists hope to find way to stop mass eucalypt dieback in Australian alps” The Guardian 11 March 2021
“River Severn: Is a new law needed to help salmon?” [England] BBC 12 March 2021
“Stack of cups and packing straps found inside whale” BBC 12 March 2021
“£150 million government investment to save the world’s rainforests” UK.Gov 12 March 2021
Climate change and energy
Daniel W “Bitcoin energy use has jumped 80% since the beginning of 2020, according to a new study” News24 13 March 2021
Boyle L “US needs nearly two-thirds emissions cut by 2030 to achieve net zero by mid-century, new analysis finds” The Independent 12 March 2021
Ambrose J “O2 Arena to install mini wind turbines that can harness even a breeze” The Guardian 12 March 2021
Harvey F “Shipping industry proposes ‘moonshot’ fossil fuel levy” The Guardian 10 March 2021
Ambrose J “China leads world’s biggest increase in wind power capacity” The Guardian 10 March 2021
Morton A “Yallourn, one of Australia’s last brown coal power stations, to close early in favour of giant battery” The Guardian 10 March 2021
Holden E “Republicans’ new favorite study trashes Biden’s climate plans – but who’s behind it?” The Guardian 9 March 2021
Liedtke S “Global summit to boost clean energy momentum” Engineering News 12 March 2021
McGrath M “Climate change: ‘Default effect’ sees massive green energy switch” [Switzerland] BBC 12 March 2021
Josephs J and Sherman N “Mathias Cormann set to head OECD despite climate record” [Australia] BBC 12 March 2021
Nijhuis C “How climate activists take on the German super election year” Clean Energy Wire 12 March 2021
Appunn K “Germany’s CO2 price on heating and transport fuels faces legal action” Clean Energy Wire 12 March 2021
“EU Climate Law negotiations advance, but fail to reach breakthrough” Carbon Pulse 12 March 2021
Galloway A and Harris R “‘Liberalisation not protectionist’: Australia to fight EU’s carbon tariffs with its own plan” Sydney Morning Herald 12 March 2021
Taylor K “LEAK: EU considers expanding role of gas in green” EurActiv 11 March 2021
“EU needs its own climate change council, say national advisory bodies” Carbon Pulse 10 March 2021
“P.E.I. carbon tax pays back more than it collects, says auditor general” CBC 10 March 2021
Environmental enforcement
Yadav M “Germany cabinet launches bill to strengthen rights protection in global supply chains” The Jurist 7 March 2021 also read here
“China environment minister urges crackdown on steel mills’ illegal production” Reuters 12 March 2021
Farge E “Wildlife protections, especially in Africa, cut sharply during pandemic -IUCN conservation group” Reuters 11 March 2021
Local government
Dawson B “Councils secure share of £2.9m in emergency tree fund from Woodland Trust” The Independent 12 March 2021
Barkham P “Natural England gives proposed London Resort site protected status” The Guardian 11 March 2021
“Sinkholes appearing in Croatian village after earthquake” BBC 12 March 2021
Stephenson SK “Biden administration reinstates sanctions against Israel mining company accused of corruption” The Jurist 10 March 2021
Stephenson SK “Federal appeals court rejects emergency injunction to protect sacred Western Apache holy lands” The Jurist 8 March 2021
Forrest A “Government has ‘capitulated to climate alarmists’, says Tory MP amid coal mine inquiry backlash” The Independent 12 March 2021
Canon G “’Kern runs on oil’: as California confronts climate crisis, one county is ready to drill” The Guardian 12 March 2021
Carrington D “Green jobs in Cumbria could far surpass posts in coalmine, report says” The Guardian 12 March 2021
“As Glencore walks, Colombia envisages decades of coal mining” Mining Weekly 12 March 2021
“Glencore copper mine in Peru suspends operations over community blockade” Mining Weekly 12 March 2021
Iannucci E “Santos gets more ground in Qld” Mining Weekly 12 March 2021
Iannucci E “Ansto unveils new exploration technology” Mining Weekly 12 March 2021
Webb M “Canada targets 31 critical minerals for domestic production” Mining Weekly 12 March 2021
Espiner T “HSBC plans to phase out coal financing by 2040” BBC 12 March 2021
Reid H and Lewis J ‘Upstream tailings dams pose much higher stability risks, study finds’ Reuters 5 March 2021
Water, waste, oceans and chemicals
Laville S “AI reveals 1,000 ‘dark discharges’ of untreated sewage in England” The Guardian 12 March 2021
Readfearn G “Queensland passes laws banning ‘killer’ single-use plastics” The Guardian 11 March 2021
Katz D “Are non-recyclable coffee pods really that bad?” Sydney Morning Herald 12 March 2021
Dunai M “On Hungary’s Lake Balaton, vital reeds cleared to give tourists a view” Reuters 11 March 2021
Dunne D “Green spending makes up less than a fifth of Covid recovery funds, says UN” The Independent 11 March 2021
Carrington D “Road pollution affects 94% of Britain, study finds” The Guardian 12 March 2021
Witze A “Record number of asteroids seen whizzing past Earth in 2020” Nature 11 March 2021
Vacancies, Bursaries, Funding, Opportunities, etc.
ELA Student essay competition
Closing date: 31 May 2021
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Animal Law Reform South Africa: Executive Director, Lawyer
Closing date: 9 April 2021
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NWU/UFH NRF-NWO Water Energy Food Nexus Project
There are still 2 Master bursaries at NWU and 3 Master bursaries at UFH available.
Contact ">Willemien du Plessis for more information
University of KwaZulu-Natal: Professor/Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Law
Closing date: 28 March 2021
More information
CER: Senior Climate Advocacy Lawyer
Reference No: 5/2021
Applications Close: 19 March 2021
More information https://cer.org.za/vacancies/senior-climate-advocacy-lawyer
CER Senior Writer
Reference No: 4/2021
Applications Close: 19 March 2021
More information https://cer.org.za/vacancies/senior-writer
DEFF: Applications for 2021 – 2023 Internship intake
The Department of Environment Forestry and Fisheries invites unemployed youth (SA citizens), not previously participated in any internship programme in the public service and, have completed at least a three (3) year qualification from a recognised higher education institution to apply for the 24 months Internship Programme. Call for applications will close on 12 March 2021. Find more information here
Cape Peninsula University of Technology: Lecturer Agricultural Management
Closing date: 4 April 2021
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Litigation Attorney Parktown Johannesburg
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SARCPL South African Research Chair in Property Law
The South African Research Chair in Property Law (SARCPL) in the Faculty of Law at Stellenbosch University provides the platform for scholars who can take the development of property law forward in the new constitutional era. The SARCPL is a research group in property law that is part of the South African Research Chairs Initiative. It is sponsored by the National Department of Science and Technology and administered by the National Research Foundation.
The SARCPL has positions for the following postgraduate, full-time programmes: LLM (2 years); LLD (3 years); and 2 Postdoctoral research fellowship (2 years)
To apply, e-mail your documents to before or on 31th March 2021.
For more information, please visit our website
For enquiries: Prof Zsa Zsa Boggenpoel (Chair at the SARCPL), , 021 808 3194, CL Marais Building, Crozier Street, Stellenbosch Central, 7600.
Full Advert
Vacancy: Environmental Assessment Practitioner : Durbanville, Cape Town
Closing Date: 15 March 2021
Vacancy: Environmental Division Head– (Ref PMB0075) : Pietermaritzburg SA
Closing date: 8 April 2021
Researcher in Climate Science Stockholm University Sweden
Doctoral Candidate in Life Sciences, Exact and Natural Sciences University of Warsaw Centre of New Technologies Poland
President and Vice-Chancellor University of New South Wales Australia
Assistant Professor in Water and Climate Information Services Wageningen University Water Systems and Global Change group Netherlands
Researcher in Intersectional Solidarity and Activism Catholic University of Leuven Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Belgium
Professor of Social Research and Public Policy New York University Abu Dhabi Division of Social Science United States
Assistant Professor In Law Dublin City University School of Law and Government Ireland
Assistant Professors in Public Policy and Governance University of Amsterdam Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Netherlands
Research Assistant in Law University of Hong Kong Department of Law Hong Kong
PhD Scholarship in Public Procurement Law University of Copenhagen Faculty of Law Denmark