26 February 2021
Acts: Bills
Division of Revenue Bill B3-2021
Disaster Management Amendment Bill, 2021 [B2-2021]
Appropriation Bill, 2021 [B4-2021]
Special Appropriation Bill, 2021 [B5-2021]
Ease of Doing Business Bill, 2021 [B6-2021]
Draft Division of Revenue Bill for 2021/22 Financial Year, notice of introduction and explanatory summary published for comment (GenN 51 in GG 44173 of 5 February 2021)
Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 – Directions – GN 111 in GG 44174 of 22 February 2021 – Social Development Directions to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 published in GN R430 in GG 43182 of 30 March 2020 amended
South African Geographical Names Council Act 118 of 1998 – Department of Sports, Arts and Culture – GN 114 in GG 44181 of 23 February 2021 – Approval of official geographical names
Statistics South Africa – Gen Notice 52 in GG 44173 of 5 February 2021 – Consumer Price Index, Rate (Base Dec 2017 = 100) – November 2020: 3.2
Statistics South Africa – Gen Notice 53 in GG 44173 of 5 February 2021 – Consumer Price Index, Rate (Base Dec 2017 = 100) – December 2020: 3.1
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 – GN 105 in GG 44173 of 5 February 2020 – Adoption of Generic Environmental Management Programme for Working for Ecosystems Programme and identified activities excluded from the need to obtain environmental authorisation
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 – GN 106 in GG 44173 of 5 February 2020 – Adoption of Generic Environmental Management Programme for Working for Water Programme and identified activities excluded from the need to obtain environmental authorisation
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 – GN 106 in GG 44173 of 5 February 2020 – GN 107 in GG 44173 of 5 February 2020 – Adoption of Generic Environmental Management Programme for Working with Wetlands Programme and identified activities excluded from the need to obtain environmental authorisation
National Nuclear Regulator Act 47 of 1999 – BN 10 in GG 44192 of 26 February 2021 – National Nuclear Regulator – Application by the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute (NRWDI) for a Nuclear Installation Licence for the Vaalputs National Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility – for comment
Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999 – GN 110 in GG 44173 of 5 February 2021 – Exemption of Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa from ss. 51(1)(g) and 52 and 55 for three years
Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 – GN 117 in GG 44184 of 24 February 2021 – Classification of strong winds and floods due to Tropical Storm Eloise and summer seasonal rains as a national disaster
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 – Commencement 1 March 2021 for Alien and Invasive Species Lists, 2020 published in GN 1003 in GG 43726 of 18 September 2020 (excluding the listing of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss – Walbaum, 1792) and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta – Linneaus, 1758) as invasive species on List 7 ‘National List of Invasive Freshwater Fish Species’ Items 20 and 29)
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 – GN 115 in GG 44182 of 24 February 2021 – Commencement 1 March 2021 for Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, 2020 published in GN R1020 in GG 43735 of 25 September 2020 from 26 October 2020
Division of Revenue Act 1 of 2018 – GN 120 in GG 44187 of 25 February 2021 – North West Department of Human Settlements – Allocation
Division of Revenue Act 4 of 2020 – GN 113 in GG 44178 of 22 February 2021 – Allocations and frameworks
Division of Revenue Act 4 of 2020 – GN 116 in GG 44183 of 24 February 2021 – Conditional allocations and explanatory memorandum – Conversion of a portion of the Provincial Emergency Housing Grant (PEHG) to the Municipal Emergency Housing Grant (MEHG)
Eastern Cape
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 – LAN 26 in PG 4512 of 22 February 2021 – Kouga Local Municipality – Electricity Supply By-Law
Northern Cape
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003 – Gen Notice 10 in PG 2394 of 22 February 2021 – Declaration of protected areas as part of an existing nature reserve – Rooikpplipies[sic], Hanover Aardvark, Brakputs, Pleroma, Expansion of Goegap and Expansion of Oorlogskloof Nature Reserves; and High Karoo Park and Kamnap Oos Protected Environments
(Note: Nothing listed under KwaZulu Natal; Mpumalanga; Gauteng; and Free State this week)
Twizza (Proprietary) Limited and Others v Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality and Others; In re Border – Kei Chamber of Business and Others v Eskom Holdings SOC Limited and Others (3413/2018) [2021] ZAECGHC 20 (23 February 2021)
Application for leave for appeal
“[4] I still stand by the reasons I gave for coming to the conclusion that that non-compliance with the court order in question was beyond a reasonable doubt, wilful and mala fide. However, after a reading of the Matjhabeng Municipality judgment in particular paragraphs [86] – [88] I am unable to say that there are no reasonable prospects that the appellate court might find that the explanation(s) proffered by the respondents create doubt regarding the requirement of wilfulness and mala fides on their part. Although leave to appeal was sought to the Supreme Court of Appeal on the basis that the matter is of importance, I am not persuaded that this is a matter that calls for the attention of the Supreme Court of Appeal.”
The Portuguese Climate Case in the European Court of Human Rights: the Court has dismissed a coordinated effort by 33 governments to overturn its October 2020 decision to fast-track the case on the basis of the “importance and urgency of the issues raised”. The Court also denied the request by the governments to argue that the case is inadmissible and therefore that the challenge to their climate policies should not be heard. The deadline for governments to submit their defences was extended to May 27th 2021. https://youth4climatejustice.org/
UNESCO Education for sustainable development: a roadmap (Unesco 2020)
Robison J “Indigenizing Grand Canyon” 2021 Utah Law Review https://dc.law.utah.edu/ulr/vol2021/iss1/3/
Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases, United States Government “Technical Support Document: Social Cost of Carbon, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide Interim Estimates under Executive Order 13990” February 2021
Jain Meha et al “Groundwater depletion will reduce cropping intensity in India” 2021 7(9) Science Advances DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd2849
Camps-Vall G “A unified vegetation index for quantifying the terrestrial biosphere” 2021 7(9) Science Advances DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc7447
(Note: No National publications listed this week)
Blogs, Discussions, Websites, Videos, ETC
South Africa
Biodiversity, protected areas and culture
GroundUp: Van der Vyver “The spekboom: Miracle plant or just another succulent?” 23 February 2021
Mail & Guardian: Bega S “Pangolins pushed to the brink of extinction” 26 February 2021
Climate change and energy
Daily Maverick: Stoddard E “A ray of regulatory sunshine: Gold Fields finally gets approval for solar project” 26 February 2021
Bizcommunity: John D “Thinking of going renewable? Here’s how to assess which option is best for your business” 24 February 2021
Bizcommunity: “Government urged to delay procurement of new nuclear power generation until after 2030” 26 February 2021
Bizcommunity: Mota S “South Africa can’t afford hydropower from Inga 3” 23 February 2021
Mining Weekly: Creamer T “Planning commission wants new climate-change commission to drive ‘just transition’ social compact” 26 February 2021
Environmental enforcement
Lexology: Fasken: Joubert F, Rushton J and Phiri Ona “SLAPP defence recognised for the first time in South African legal history by the Western Cape High Court” 17 February 2021
Local government
BusinessLive: Everatt D “Who needs local government if it can’t get anything done? Community groups are seeking legal advice on withholding rates, after all, why pay if your money is merely going to be ‘eaten’?” 27 February 2021
The Conversation: Pieterse M “Local government in South Africa is broken: but giving the job to residents carries risks” 25 February 2021
Mail & Guardian: Gilili C “Durban residents want answers after refinery emission” 26 February 2021
allAfrica: Mbovane T “South Africa: Shacks Flooded By Vandalised Pipe in Drought-Stricken Gqeberha” 26 February 2021
Lexology: Falcon and Hume Inc: Hayes E and Cloete J “Spotlight: the legal framework and licensing regime for mining in South Africa” 10 November 2020
Water, waste, oceans and chemicals
Mail & Guardian: Harper P “‘Captured’ water utility exec holes up” 25 February 2021
Biodiversity, protected areas and culture
Mail & Guardian: Bega S “Rush for Africa’s marine species to feed demand in Asia” 20 February 2021
allAfrica: Tegegn E “Ethiopia: ‘Fight Against Locust Invasion Shows Progress’” 27 February 2021
allAfrica: “Liberia: Wildlife and Conservation Reporters Network Aided in the Confiscation of Protected Animal” 25 February 2021
The Independent: “Elephant thermal image library created to help reduce human-animal conflict” 25 February 2021
The Conversation: Sola P and Carutti PO “Kenya has been trying to regulate the charcoal sector: why it’s not working” 23 February 2021
Climate Change and Energy
Platform for Investigative Journalism: “Fraud and corruption haunting Malawi’s energy regulator” 21 February 2021
Bilaterals.org: Eberhardt P, Olivet C and Lumonya F “Africa should resist acceding to the Energy Charter Treaty” 28 May 2020 [places as part of the debate whether countries should withdraw from the Energy Treaty – see also International – Climate Change and Energy below]
Bizcommunity: Ikeanyibe OM “Nigeria’s post-privatisation energy sector is a mess: here are some solutions” 26 February 2021
Bizcommunity: “Africa’s energy sector – significant investment opportunity for financiers” 26 February 2021
Bizcommunity: Hundersmark C “Safeguarding LNG operations in Mozambique” 22 February 2021
Environmental enforcement
Lexology: “The ‘Nuisance’ of an Oil Spill and the Issue of Limitation” 18 February 2021
Local government
allAfrica: Zinyuke R “Zimbabwe: Mutare Considers New Water Plant” 26 February 2021
allAfrica: Shikanda H and Otieno S “Kenya: City Residents Wallowing in Sewage, as State Agencies Pass the Buck” 26 February 2021
Lexology: “A thumbnail guide to oil exploration and production in Senegal” 29 June 2020
Mail & Guardian: Bega S “Keep fracking out of the Kalahari Desert’s Kavango Basin – activists” 24 February 2021
Water, sanitation, oceans, and chemicals
allAfrica: Iikela S “Namibia: Geingob, Masisi Discuss Water Security” 27 February 2021
allAfrica: Nkomo C “Zimbabwe: Heavy Rains Leave a Trail of Disaster Across Zimbabwe” 28 February 2021
allAfrica: “Zimbabwe: Govt Allocates $535m for Ambitious Gwayi-Shangani Water Pipeline” 26 February 2021
allAfrica: Tanui C “Kenya: Cabinet Orders Inquiry Into Nature Crises Amid Surging Water Levels in Rift Valley Lakes” 26 February 2021
Lexology: “Financial Institutions in Post-COVID Africa” 25 February 2021
Bizcommunity: Andrews SS “Why it pays to link products to places – and how African countries can do it” 24 February 2021
allAfrica: “Ethiopia: Adjusting Production, Trade to Address Impacts of Climate Change On Agriculture” 24 February 2021
Biodiversity, animal rights, national parks and culture
UNDP: Van de Heuvel O “Make Charles Darwin proud; save the Galapagos from your living room” 10 February 2021
Youtube: November 2019 15th Annual Young Scholar Lecture: “Beyond Bears Ears: Postcolonialism and Grand Canyon National Park” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdsHYmWGcCg
The Hindu: “Study suggests habitat loss is leading to inbreeding of Indian tigers” 24 February 2021
Science: Moutinho S “Brazil’s first homemade satellite will put an extra eye on dwindling Amazon forests” 26 February 2021
The Independent: Cockburn H “Ancient wasp nests show Australia’s oldest rock painting is 17,000-year old kangaroo image” 23 February 2021
Climate change and energy
Lexology: “New Jersey Establishes New Climate Office and Green Economy Council” 18 February 2021
Lexology: “Ninth Circuit Upholds Dismissal of Kids Climate Suit—Headed to the Supreme Court?” 18 February 2021
Lexology: “Insurance Regulators Pick Up the Pace on Climate Change” [EU] 16 February 2021
Lexology: “Informed Insurance Predictions 2021 – International Casualty” 18 February 2021
Lexology: “Unlocking the potential of the onshore wind: Liberalization of the 10H Distance Act” [Poland] 15 February 2021
Lexology: “Fair Sharing of Climate Change Risks” [UK] 19 February 2021
Lexology: “Long-Awaited China Emissions Trading Scheme Launches” 18 February 2021
IISD ENB: High-Level Dialogue on Energy Technical Working Groups | 22 February – 2 March 2021 | Online
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “Concrete Steps to Energy Transition are Focus of First Discussions for 2021 Summit” 25 February 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “Climate Anxiety Highlighted at Youth Environment Assembly” 24 February 2021
The White House: “Roadmap for a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership” 23 February 2021
The Guardian: Harvey F “Carbon tax would be popular with UK voters, poll suggests” 24 February 2021
European Commission: “Building a Climate-Resilient Future – A new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change” 24 February 2021
BBC: “Solar energy empowers young women in Yemen” 3 February 2021
UNDP: “What surveying 50 countries taught us about climate action” 5 February 2021
Lexology: “Advocates make their voices heard on mandatory climate disclosure” 24 February 2021
Lexology: “FERC to Examine Climate Change Threat to Electric Reliability” 24 February 2021
Lexology: “D.C. Circuit Grants EPA’s Request to Keep Clean Power Plan on Ice” 24 February 2021
Lexology: “Spotlight: climate change law, regulation and policy in Brazil” 27 February 2021
Just Security: Nevett M Is Climate Change a National Emergency?” 25 February 2021
INVW: Fairley P “Visualizing Climate-Vulnerable Communities” 24 February 2021
DW: “Big energy sues Netherlands over coal phase-out” video undated
ECT Dirty Secrets: “What is the Energy Charter?” – also petition against the Charter as well as access to a report
Environmental enforcement
GNHRE: Bernal AM “Blog: Developing Brazilian Jurisprudence on the Right to a Healthy Environment” 17 December 2020
Local government
Bizcommunity: Tonkinwise C and Mellick Lopes A “How new design patterns can enable cities and their residents to change with climate change” 24 February 2021
Lexology: “Argentina, Mining and Glacier Protection” 10 February 2021
Bizcommunity: Verweijen J and Dunlap A “How extractive industries manage to carry on harming the planet” 2e February 2021
Water, oceans, waste, and chemicals
Lexology: “More States Consider Minimum Recycled Content Requirements” [USA] 18 February 2021
Lexology: “OSHA Plans Updates to Hazardous Communication Standard” [USA] 18 February 2021
Lexology: “Sea Change? Water Policy Under the Biden Administration” 18 February 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “Intersessional Work Advances Towards Beyond 2020 Chemicals Framework” 25 February 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “Informal Group Reviews Draft High-level Declaration for ICCM5” 22 February 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “PACE Releases Guidance for Circular Economy Transition in Five Sectors” 24 February 2021
Youtube: Stegner Center: for our February 18 Green Bag presentation on “Vision & Place: John Wesley Powell & Reimagining the Colorado River Basin” The panel discussion is now posted online on the College of Law YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/VlY1H-1Q_CE
Science: Service RF “Chemists close in on greener way to make plastics” 24 February 2021
Lexology: “ESG Disclosure in Canada – Legal Requirements, Voluntary Disclosure and Potential Liability” 18 February 2021
Lexology: “11 U.S. Financial Services Trade Groups Release Principles for Financing U.S. Transition to Sustainable Low-Carbon Economy” 18 February 2021
Lexology: “Flexibility in Sustainable Finance” [OECD] 19 February 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “UNEP Report Offers Blueprint for Tackling Planetary Crises” 24 February 2021
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub: “UNEA-5 Opens with Adoption of Three Decisions” 22 February 2021
UNDP: “The pace of action cannot be determined by the last to act” [Fashion industry] 22 February 2021
UNDP: Mumba M “The beginning of a decade of reimagining and rethinking” [SDGs] 22 February 2021
DW: “UNDP’s Achim Steiner: ‘If we cannot decouple economic growth from emissions, we are doomed’” 29 January 2021
UNDP: Generation 17 [social APP for young leaders to have their voice heard]
Lexology: “Competition law: a bridge or a barrier to sustainability?” 24 February 2021
IISD ENB: “7th Session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD 7) | 1–4 March 2021 | Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, and Virtual Participation
Bizcommunity: Lavietes M “Concern over rich-poor divide seen on the increase during pandemic” 23 February 2021
Conferences, Workshops, Study Opportunities
CBSS Training Courses in Water Governance scheduled for 2021
17 – 19 August 2021, in Pretoria
- Refresher (for those who attended previous courses): 19 August 2021
- Early Bird discount applicable until 6 July 2021
- Registration closes 20 July 2021
- Only TWO (2) seats still available
7 – 9 September 2021, near Stellenbosch
- Refresher (for those who attended previous courses): 9 September 2021
- Early bird payment before 20 July 2021
- Registration closes 3 August 2021
- Nine (9) seats still available
Mpumalanga, KZN and Eastern Cape: date and venue to be confirmed, depending on interest
You can register here
IMBEWU’s Environmental Law Update Workshop
Online course: To book, email sam@imbewu.co.za or call us on 011 214 0660. For more information about the course consult the website.
ACCESS Conversations on Climate Change: Cryosphere and Health Impacts
Conversation 5: Climate change’s biggest impact will be felt in human health and wellbeing – right?
Date: Tuesday 2 March 2021 at 16h00 (South African time). Register here
The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf): Science engagement week
Date: 15 to 19 March 2021. The aim of the week is to ignite conversations around policy, projects, and activities that shape science engagement. It is to look at roles played by different stakeholders in the national project of promoting science and supporting education in general. More information
Lexology: 2021 Ports series | Managing port environmental impacts: key issues and implications in 2021
Date: 23 March 2021
Time: 13:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (Queensland)
Duration: 1 hour
More information and registration
Coleman Burke Center for Environmental Law Webinar: Wildlife as Property Owners
Date: 1 March 2021. Please register here https://case.edu/law/our-school/events-lectures/wildlife-property-owners-new-conception-animal-rights
13th Annual Schultz Lecture in Energy: Climate Change and Innovative Paths to a Sustainable Future
Date: 4 March 2021
5:30 p.m. (Mountain Time)
Zoom Webinar: https://cu.law/SchultzLecture
Environment, Energy and Natural Resources (EENR) Center at the University of Houston Law Center: Recheduled virtual lecture in the Energy Transition Law and Governance Series: Eminent Domain Law as Climate Policy
Date: 2 March 2021
Time: 10:00 am (CST)
Article that will be discussed available here: ttps://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3465252
University of Oregon: The 39th Public Interest Environmental Law Conference
Date: 1-7 March 2021
Programme with links (no registration needed – you may attend the session you would like to). Note that the times listed in the programme refer to PST — Pacific Standard Time.
Lewis & Clark: Annual environmental symposium: Food for Thought: The Impact of Food Choices in a Changing Climate
Date: 13 March 2021
Time: 08:30 PST (full day programme)
Below is the link to the schedule and to register (to receive the Webinar link): https://law.lclark.edu/programs/environmental_and_natural_resources_law/symposium/
Unesco: Online workshop #6 Education for Sustainable Development and Lifestyles: Re-designing Consumption and Production
Date: 10 March 2021
Time: 14:00 pm GMT+1 (Paris time)
Unesco: #7: ESD for 2030 framework and the Berlin Conference: Time to act – Now or Never
Date: 14 April 2021
Time: 12:30 GMT+1 (Paris time)
More information
Howard Law School and the Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic: Community Visions for Environmental Justice Organizing
Date: 27 February; 6 March; and 13 March 2021
Time: 1:30 – 4:15 p.m. EST online
How can technical assistance providers such as researchers, lawyers, academics and students support community-led movements for environmental justice? Join us for three Saturday panels featuring community leaders and assistance providers, followed by moderated small-group discussions with speakers and attendees. Panels run from 1:30 – 2:45 pm EST, and discussions run from 3 – 4:15 pm EST.
Register to receive sign-up links for each Saturday session via Zoom.
Saturday, Feb. 27: Seeking Justice through Policy: Environmental Justice Legislation and Executive Action
Saturday, March 6: Navigating the Now: Resources and Strategies during the Syndemic
Saturday, March 13: Back to the Future: America’s Youth Organizing for Environmental Justice
For more information, contact Claire Hermann,
Evans J “Pics | Bones from 27 lions found on Krugersdorp property, man arrested” News24 27 February 2021
Gitahu M “Human-wildlife conflict discussed at Western Cape legislature briefing” IOL 26 February 2021
Environmental Enforcement
Yende SS “Mpumalanga environmental group refuses to delete ‘anti development’ statement from website” City Press 26 February 2021
Climate Change and Energy
Rall S-E “Former Eskom executives appear in court over R745m Kusile corruption case” IOL 23 February 2021
Mackay D “Business celebrates Nersa approval of Gold Fields’ 40MW solar plant for South Deep” Miningmx 26 February 2021 – see also Mining Weekly
Faku D “Budget 2021: Eskom to finalise restructuring into three separate units” IOL 25 February 2021
“Gas Amendment Bill heads to Parliament for processing” Engineering News 26 February 2021
Burger S “Stellenbosch University building achieves A-rating energy efficiency certificate” Engineering News 26 February 2021
Local government
Ryan C “Another citizen group takes its local municipality to court” Moneyweb 26 February 2021 [provided by Anel du Plessis, CLES, NWU]
Dyongman L “Makhanda residents resort to drinking water from an old air valve chamber” GroundUp 26 February 2021
Chirume J “Dire water situation in Port Alfred” GroundUp 26 February 2021
Human L “Judgment reserved in Drakenstein emergency housing case” GroundUp 23 February 2021
“Western Cape MEC releases report on the death of 4 Nyanga boys along the N2” News24 25 February 2021
Water, oceans, waste, and chemicals
Ellis E “Uncooperative Governance: Eastern Cape: Panic and protests after Makhanda’s waterworks fail” Daily Maverick 23 February 2021 [provided by Anel du Plessis CLES]
“Beware: Conditions are ideal for an outbreak of Rift Valley Fever” NWU 23 February 2021
“Cabinet approves four bills” Bizcommunity 26 February 2021
“South Africa seeks to lift infrastructure investment with change to pension fund rules” TimesLive 27 February 2021
Biodiversity, protected areas, animal rights, and culture
Nunn G “Tasmanian tiger devotees feed Australia’s guilty obsession with a deliberate extinction” The Guardian 26 February 2021
Sharman J “Intact petrified tree, up to 20 million years old, unearthed in Greece” The Independent 26 February 2021
Cockburn H “Rare bee missing for a century rediscovered in Australia” The Independent 26 February 2021
Biswas S “The mystery of India’s ‘lake of skeletons’” BBC 28 February 2021
“An indigenous leader in Brazil trying to protect the Amazon rainforest” BBC 26 February 2021
“Police find 80 alligator heads in Perry Barr house” BBC 26 February 2021
Menon P “New Zealand backs drone project to protect endangered dolphins” Reuters 26 February 2021
Machicao M “Giant Andean condors released in Bolivian wilds, with GPS attached” Reuters 25 February 2021
Climate change and energy
Brady J and Charles D “As Cities Grapple with Climate Change, Gas Utilities Fight to Stay in Business” NPR 22 February 2021
“Nova Scotia targets 80% renewable energy by 2030” Carbon Pulse 24 February 2021
“Science-based” corporate climate targets are no such thing, says former advisor” Climate Home News 24 February 2021
“Government of Canada delivers on commitment to appoint an independent net-zero advisory body” Government of Canada Press Release 25 February 2021
Gerritsen I “Bangladesh scraps nine coal power plants as overseas finance dries up” Climate Home News 25 February 2021
“Australia’s biggest emitters see slight drop in GHG output” Carbon Pulse 25 February 2021
Cazzavini A and Canfin P “Time for Europe to draw exit scenarios from the Energy Charter Treaty” EurActiv 22 February 2021
“World’s climate pledges falling far behind target, UN report shows” Carbon Pulse 26 February 2021
“China sees first carbon neutral bonds, though questions raised” Carbon Pulse 26 February 2021
Brem HB “Europe rights court rejects attempt by 33 governments to overturn ‘urgent’ status of climate change case” The Jurist 26 February 2021 – also read here
Acharya M “Delhi court grants bail to 22-year old climate activist arrested for sedition” The Jurist 23 February 2021
Orange R “Denmark’s climate policies ‘insufficient’ to meet 2030 emissions target” The Guardian 28 February 2021
Karp P “Renewable energy listed for first time as one of Australia’s top infrastructure priorities” The Guardian 25 February 2021
O’Malley N “Strong climate targets make strong friendships, Fiji tells Australia” Sydney Morning Herald 28 February 2021
Iannucci E “Aus emissions below Paris Agreement target” Mining Weekly 26 February 2021
Rowlatt J “How Bitcoin’s vast energy use could burst its bubble” BBC 27 February 2021
“Japan’s J-Power plans to cut CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030” Reuters 26 February 2021
Environmental enforcement
Morton A “Australia pumped out an extra six months’ worth of emissions than previously recorded” The Guardian 26 February 2021
Uteuova A “Texas facilities released 3.5m pounds of extra pollutants during winter storm” The Guardian 26 February 2021
Perkins M “Climate campaign teens prepare for court battle with minister over coal expansion” Sydney Morning Herald 28 February 2021
Walker L “Anglo American to exit thermal coal production by 2024” Montel 25 February 2021
Green T “Cumbrian campaigners warn minister of legal action over coalmine” The Guardian 25 February 2021
Arnoldi M “Keras commits continual funds for community development” Mining Weekly 26 February 2021
“Australian state approved all plans that would damage Aboriginal sites in past year” Mining Weekly 26 February 2021
“Vale books hefty dam disaster charges, but bullish about core earnings” Mining Weekly 26 February 2021
Water, waste, oceans and chemicals
Bhatt M “Israel court imposes seven-day gag order on media reporting of huge oil spill” The Jurist 25 February 2021
Paulick M “US Supreme Court hears arguments in Florida-Georgia water dispute” The Jurist 22 February 2021
Taylor D “Thames Water fined £2.3m for raw sewage pollution incident” The Guardian 26 February 2021
Tidman Z “Iceberg almost as big as London breaks away near Britain research station” The Independent 27 February 2021
Nature: Lewis D “Superspreading drives the COVID pandemic — and could help to tame it” 23 February 2021
Nature: Gibney B and Thompson E “Audio long-read: Thundercloud Project tackles a gamma-ray mystery” 23 February 2021
Shankleman J and Rathi A “Mark Carney’s Net-Zero Claim Confounds Climate Experts” Bloomberg 26 February 2021
Wehrmann B “German government committee proposes steps for ‘great transformation’ of sustainable finance sector” Clean Energy Wire 25 February 2021
Nijhuis C and Wettengel J “Coming months decisive for global net zero race – Europe reacts to UN report on national climate plans” Clean Energy Wire 26 February 2021
Vacancies, Bursaries, Funding, Opportunities, etc.
ELA Student essay competition
Closing date: 31 May 2021
More information
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC): Disaster Law Officer
Closing date: 7 March 2021
More information
Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Sector Director: Mining (04/21 JHB)
Closing date: 18 March 2021
More information
Professional Institute seeking an Assessment Manager with a Law background
The job spec is below and applications need to apply by using the following link: https://bit.ly/3pUsLPr
Requirements: A qualification such as an LLB or CGISA; Experience as a university lecturer (law, commerce) or an assessment manager; Background knowledge of corporate governance
Responsibilities: Management of examination and moderation processes and procedures; Selection of examiners and moderators when vacancies arise; Ongoing quality assurance of all examiners and moderators’ work; Overall quality assurance of question papers and memoranda of all 19 subjects; Developing, implementing and monitoring assessment policies, systems and procedures; Overall monitoring of assignment tutors; Ensuring that syllabuses are kept up to date; Selection of textbooks for each syllabus; Liaison with skills development (tuition) providers; Approaching universities to offer the CGISA qualification; Ensuring alignment with the assessment policies of the global Chartered Governance Institute; Liaison with all relevant regulatory bodies (QCTO, SAQA and FASSET); CGISA learnerships and accreditation of workplace providers; Keeping education policies updated; Keeping abreast of developments in the education field in order to keep the Institute informed.
Skills and Attributes: Excellent command of the English language – verbal and written; Attention to detail is essential; Good people skills; Ability to be a team player; Ability to communicate at all levels with tact and diplomacy; Ability to use own initiative and work independently; Ability to perform under stress; High level of confidentiality; High level of work ethic and integrity; Strong service ethic.
Vacancies published in IAIAsa News 2020/2021 | 22 February 2021
- Vacancy: Environmental Assessment Practitioner : Pretoria (North West & KZN options)
Closing Date: 19 March 2021 - Vacancy: Environmental Field Technician and consultant: Pretoria (North West & KZN options)
Closing Date: 19 March 2021 - Vacancy: Environmental Compliance Auditor : Pretoria (North West & KZN options)
Closing Date: 19 March 2021 - Vacancy: Environmental Assessment Practitioner : Durbanville, Cape Town
Closing Date: 15 March 2021 - Vacancy: Senior Environmental Assessment Practitioner : Faerie Glen, Pretoria
Closing Date: 4 March 2021 - Vacancy: Environmental Scientist : Hilton Pietermaritzburg
Closing Date: 4 March 2021
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Social Science
University of Queensland School of Social Science
PhD Scholarship in Social Science
Monash University School of Social Sciences
Associate Professor in Law
University of Botswana Faculty of Social Sciences
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Law and Society
York University Department of Social Science
Research Assistant in Law
University of Hong Kong Department of Law
Assistant Professor in Public Policy
Dublin City University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Assistant Professors in Public International Law
University of Amsterdam Amsterdam Law School
Postdoctoral Researchers in Law, Social Sciences and Humanities
University of Amsterdam
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic
Auckland University of Technology
Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy of Criminal Law
University of Bergen Faculty of law
Postdoctoral Fellow in Criminal Law/Legal Empirical Studies
University of Bergen Faculty of law
Associate Senior Lecturer in Law and Sustainability
Lund University Faculty of Law
Postdoctoral Position in the Governance of Low-Carbon Investments
Lund University Department of Political Science
Doctoral Positions in Laws
Lund University Faculty of Law
Doctoral Position in Public Law, Specializing in Migration Law
Lund University Faculty of Law
Doctoral Positions in Human Rights
Lund University Faculty of Law
Center for Water Policy University of Wisconsin: Policy Specialist